That is true.. ur the only thing i see thats is radiant. everything else is just plain black and white..
hmm anyways.. anyone saw Wanted? it was good.. for not THAT good.. i'll give it a 6 out of 10.. well it really depends on the person watching.. the show is NOT about curving bullets. its about the organization who accepts people who curves bullet.. LOL.. i like the Viper in the show though.. what else is hot? besides the car and the curving bullets... one word. Fox. Damn right.. the character played by Jolie. Hmm some how she looks hot and pretty and sexy and alalalala... LOL.. only in this show la.. others ahh.. i dont like her.. =P.. Hancock is next week.. woohoo hope is nice..
FUCK! i'm not gonna get my ps3.. yet.. Ace Combat 6 is not on the PS3! WAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WIF U PPL.. omg.. MSG4, DMC4, GTA4, GH4, ah what the hell.. its not complete without Ace Combat 6.. babi tards.
Looks like the King of Comebacks got their backsides kicked.. damn right its u turkey.. Lahm with that 90th minute score.. lol.. what goes around comes around at the end. 1 hour to Spain's game.. fuck i gonna sleep.. then see result.. sure tension watching the game.. pls Aragones start with Fabregas ffs.. Xavi looks unconvincing.. hmmm..
Russian jets are awesome.. Su-37 Terminator is King. Su-47 Berkut is 1337. MiG 1.44 is omgwtfbbq? lol.. chow chow
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
did a lot of wondering today.. thinking.. soo.. if funny is what a relationship is build on.. would it last? i'm curious to know.. if so happends the "funny" runs out wats next? no really.. hmmm.. if u have the answer/opinion/thought or anything.. leave a comment, msn, sms or call.. lol..
so i was doing this thing.. almost 2 months now.. call me lifeless but it was fun.. the thing was driving with the highlights on almost the entire time.. at night of course.. it was fun seeing reactions of people.. most like 80% was like whatever goes.. 10% of the oncoming cars will highlight back and most gets the finger from me.. LOL.. some after i overtake then highlights me back.. theres this one though.. at federal highway.. after i overtook him he went behind me and highlight me back.. lol.. he cucuk me all the way.. i gave him way.. then woosh my turn again.. lol.. well i got a feeling one day some one is gonna be pissed.. =P
that day i was at 1u tamiya shop, wanted to buy airspray. i bump onto the aircraft model area and saw that. A F-14 Tomcat model plane. It was the same one i had like 5 years ago. i thought of geeting it and it was RM513. == omg.. thats like 3 MG gundams i can buy. lol..
this is a normal F-14 with wings swept back.. usually when in supersonic flight or increasing speed. god i love this plane. genious design. beasts the damn F-16 Falcon, F-18 Hornet and F-15 Eagle. go google images if ya wanna see it.. lazy post.. lol
so i was doing this thing.. almost 2 months now.. call me lifeless but it was fun.. the thing was driving with the highlights on almost the entire time.. at night of course.. it was fun seeing reactions of people.. most like 80% was like whatever goes.. 10% of the oncoming cars will highlight back and most gets the finger from me.. LOL.. some after i overtake then highlights me back.. theres this one though.. at federal highway.. after i overtook him he went behind me and highlight me back.. lol.. he cucuk me all the way.. i gave him way.. then woosh my turn again.. lol.. well i got a feeling one day some one is gonna be pissed.. =P
that day i was at 1u tamiya shop, wanted to buy airspray. i bump onto the aircraft model area and saw that. A F-14 Tomcat model plane. It was the same one i had like 5 years ago. i thought of geeting it and it was RM513. == omg.. thats like 3 MG gundams i can buy. lol..
this is a normal F-14 with wings swept back.. usually when in supersonic flight or increasing speed. god i love this plane. genious design. beasts the damn F-16 Falcon, F-18 Hornet and F-15 Eagle. go google images if ya wanna see it.. lazy post.. lol
this is my F-14 model. bought it 2 years back for 19.90 at jusco. lol. did a lil modifications.. haha. =p after my FBM, i'mma save 500 bucks for that Tomcat.. pshh.. muh respect for the plane thats been retired on September 2006. *salutes*. lol
SPAIN FTW! omg saw the saves casillas did? he the man la.. aih.. wish he joins arsenal.. lol.. ok i think i'll stop here.. its 2.30.. i mau tidur.. miao miao.. chow
Monday, June 23, 2008
Viva la VIlla
Holland's out meh!.. Russia kicked ass so badly.. lol.. Tonight.. spain is gonna kick italy's ass.. i hope.. lol.. Viva la Villa!
fuck this man.. holidays are damn boring.. i wake up and stone juz thiking what to do for the rest of the afternoon..
sooo.. heading for the cinemas guys? i watched like 3 movies in 2 weeks.. lol.. Hulk was awesome.. i mean awesome.. then Get Smart.. i was good.. funny.. Indy Jones was okay.. not too bad.. this week is Hancock.. i hope this is good.. lol its Will Smith.. it should be.. haha.. here's a list i'm gonna go watch.. i hope they show it here..
1.Hancock (a superhero? hell yeah!)
2.Love Guru (i wanna see JT rock teh speedo.. LOL)
3.Mummy (c'mon.. its Brendan Fraser)
4.You Don't Mess with the Zohan (sandman motha farka)
5.Wanted (did i see Jolie being hot in this movie? HAWT!)
6.Dark Knight (why so serious? Joker ftw!!)
7.Tropic Thunder ("Go see tropic thunder with a panda! dont forget the iron man!")
yea i think thats about it.. probably gonna have more.. but yea thats it.. for now.. go youtube and type Tropic Thunder viral video.. its fucking funny.. u are gonne see "kick panda in the nuts" hahahaha.. fuck eh.. took me almost 10 hours juz to clean and line my Strike Freedom and Destiny..

fuck this man.. holidays are damn boring.. i wake up and stone juz thiking what to do for the rest of the afternoon..
sooo.. heading for the cinemas guys? i watched like 3 movies in 2 weeks.. lol.. Hulk was awesome.. i mean awesome.. then Get Smart.. i was good.. funny.. Indy Jones was okay.. not too bad.. this week is Hancock.. i hope this is good.. lol its Will Smith.. it should be.. haha.. here's a list i'm gonna go watch.. i hope they show it here..
1.Hancock (a superhero? hell yeah!)
2.Love Guru (i wanna see JT rock teh speedo.. LOL)
3.Mummy (c'mon.. its Brendan Fraser)
4.You Don't Mess with the Zohan (sandman motha farka)
5.Wanted (did i see Jolie being hot in this movie? HAWT!)
6.Dark Knight (why so serious? Joker ftw!!)
7.Tropic Thunder ("Go see tropic thunder with a panda! dont forget the iron man!")
yea i think thats about it.. probably gonna have more.. but yea thats it.. for now.. go youtube and type Tropic Thunder viral video.. its fucking funny.. u are gonne see "kick panda in the nuts" hahahaha.. fuck eh.. took me almost 10 hours juz to clean and line my Strike Freedom and Destiny..
Before Lining.
After Lining.
woohoo.. 3 more weeks till my Birhtday (whoop dee doo 22nd July).. ^^.. new Gundams, new Consoles, pc upgrade, new term, new subjects.. woohooo.. i cant wait for my FBM!! till then seeya..
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I Kill For U
"I Kill For U"
U know people always say that to the ones they love, care, etc.. but does everyone one do it? I dont think so.. but for me i can say i have done it.. lol.. really.. it was like..
once upon a time, a princess left her shoes in the carriage, (LOL) much more like left her "watch".. yea that gives the imagination goes easier.. (LOL).. after putting the princess down, the price went home. Upon reaching home, he found the princess's watch on the car mat. No hesitation he turned the carriage around left as fast as he could back to the princess.. along the dark long jungle-path-scary-unpredictable way, suddenly 2 hounds ran across the dark long jungle-path-scary-unpredictable way, moving at such a speed, the prince couldnt react in time thus running over both hounds.. FIN
yeah that pretty much sums out what happend.. shitty huh.. fuckin phobia of that damn road i go to uni everyday now..
in other news; WOHOO! exams over foo! yea today was like the 1st day of my 1 month holiday and it sucked.. thanks to the sky.. it looked like it wanted to rain then didnt want to.. so no football.. =/ arrrghh i cant get enough sleepp..
FRANCE CAN KISS M............. LICK THE ROAD! they suck weh.. so much for reliving the match.. SPAIN FTW FOO!.. oh btw.. Torres suck! Viva la Villa.. LOL.. yea that came out of nowhere..
yesterday.. my and puviman was racing from Damansara Uptown to Sunway.. teh ultimate showdown between the Ferrari and the Evo3.. lol.. we were like cutting in and out.. cucuk those who were slow.. and then started la.. an Altezza and a truck.. yeap a truck.. joined in.. lol.. damn farny.. truck cucuk puvi and altezza giving the stare at him.. but in the end your's truly was leading all the way.. haha.. crazy shit.. i swear i wud've hit that moomoobike.. so naza if ur reading this.. bring ur silva cuz we'll be serving a plate of whoop-ass just for u.. =P
i really hope i can go to where u are.. too bad its just too far..
whose up for euphoria! its teh damn Ministry of Sound club! lol.. its opening on the 2nd of July but i'll hit it during the week before 22nd.. ^^
ok i think thats it for tonight.. i gonna go shoot some ppl in GTA.. haha.. btw Spain will kick Greece back to... mount olympia!.. lol.. seeya..
U know people always say that to the ones they love, care, etc.. but does everyone one do it? I dont think so.. but for me i can say i have done it.. lol.. really.. it was like..
once upon a time, a princess left her shoes in the carriage, (LOL) much more like left her "watch".. yea that gives the imagination goes easier.. (LOL).. after putting the princess down, the price went home. Upon reaching home, he found the princess's watch on the car mat. No hesitation he turned the carriage around left as fast as he could back to the princess.. along the dark long jungle-path-scary-unpredictable way, suddenly 2 hounds ran across the dark long jungle-path-scary-unpredictable way, moving at such a speed, the prince couldnt react in time thus running over both hounds.. FIN
yeah that pretty much sums out what happend.. shitty huh.. fuckin phobia of that damn road i go to uni everyday now..
in other news; WOHOO! exams over foo! yea today was like the 1st day of my 1 month holiday and it sucked.. thanks to the sky.. it looked like it wanted to rain then didnt want to.. so no football.. =/ arrrghh i cant get enough sleepp..
FRANCE CAN KISS M............. LICK THE ROAD! they suck weh.. so much for reliving the match.. SPAIN FTW FOO!.. oh btw.. Torres suck! Viva la Villa.. LOL.. yea that came out of nowhere..
yesterday.. my and puviman was racing from Damansara Uptown to Sunway.. teh ultimate showdown between the Ferrari and the Evo3.. lol.. we were like cutting in and out.. cucuk those who were slow.. and then started la.. an Altezza and a truck.. yeap a truck.. joined in.. lol.. damn farny.. truck cucuk puvi and altezza giving the stare at him.. but in the end your's truly was leading all the way.. haha.. crazy shit.. i swear i wud've hit that moomoobike.. so naza if ur reading this.. bring ur silva cuz we'll be serving a plate of whoop-ass just for u.. =P
i really hope i can go to where u are.. too bad its just too far..
whose up for euphoria! its teh damn Ministry of Sound club! lol.. its opening on the 2nd of July but i'll hit it during the week before 22nd.. ^^
ok i think thats it for tonight.. i gonna go shoot some ppl in GTA.. haha.. btw Spain will kick Greece back to... mount olympia!.. lol.. seeya..
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Mary Jane
economics.. freaking many things to remember and read.. == but i still find time to post.. lol.. anyways.. hey! who here likes The Click Five? i know i do.. lol.. heard their second album yet? Its called Modern Minds and Pasttimes.. i still dont get what that means.. well so does Greetings from Imrie House.. lol.. well i'd prefer their old album more for the sounds but their second album.. lyrics are so beautiful.. in some ways.. lol.. when i got their album, i straight hit the 11th song.. its soo nice.. the words of the song.. i dont know why.. listening to it.. makes me wanna cry.. during that time when i listen to this song.. it like singing what i was feeling inside.. yeapp.. damn.. for the next 4 minutes.. if u have nothing important.. listen to this.. really.. i'd sing this song to only one person.. and i think those that are close to me will know who.. ^^
I didn't cry the day you moved away
I didn't think that I could feel this pain
Until I saw the stranger that was you
Whatever happened to our innocence
And the somethin' that you said about being friends
Tell me how
Help me say the words out loud
Could it be
That nothings gonna change
Cause time has got a way of taking back
Everything you thought you had
Can you see
The girl you used to be
The one I lost when I let go of you
Oh whatever happened to
Mary Jane
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
I need to wake up from this state of mind
The situation is the same kind
I gotta get your memory out of my head
Would you catch me if I had to fall
Would you even find the time for that at all
Tell me how
Help me say the words out loud
Could it be
That nothings gonna change
Time has got a way of taking back
Everything you thought you had
Can you see
The girl you used to be
The one I lost when I let go of you
Oh whatever happened to
Mary Jane
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Cause time has taken back
Everything I thought we had
Mary Jane..
Could it be
Nothings gonna change
Cause time has got a way of taking back
Everything you thought you had
Can you see
The girl you used to be
The one I lost when I let go of you
Oh whatever happened to
Mary Jane
Ooh ooh
Oh whatever happened to
Ooh ooh
Mary Jane
hmm well i'm off have to study for econs =P.. bb..
Monday, June 9, 2008
damn management exam.. damn sucky... 2 hours not enuff la foo!!! hmm.. actually my fault la.. i was stoning almost 15 minutes look at the 1st question.. damn shit.. left 2 minutes only start my last essay.. fuckkk laaaa.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.... aih.. this wednesday econ stats.. shit ass subject.. mehhh...
wow.. fuckers in the field are really stupid.. either they are fucking motherless dumb.. or fatherless stupid.. LOL.. thats right.. talk damn lot of shit..
psshhh.. GG sian.. !! 1 months till my FBM arrives.. ^^
wow.. fuckers in the field are really stupid.. either they are fucking motherless dumb.. or fatherless stupid.. LOL.. thats right.. talk damn lot of shit..
psshhh.. GG sian.. !! 1 months till my FBM arrives.. ^^
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
6 years ago..
6 years ago.. something happend.. something that someone started and i ended it.. i'm not proud of it but i'm impressed myself that i even did that.. well.. i'm not gonna tell u what it was.. maybe u'll find it stupid or i dono.. lame? anyways.. well.. that story is old and please stop bringing it up.. if i lose my patience i'll let it all out.. then we see whose the ass..
. . .
fuck... management exam is this friday.. arrhahahrarharhhhhhhhghhh.. woosh that day i was listnening to 90.3.. and they played this song.. kinda old but ownage!
. . .
fuck... management exam is this friday.. arrhahahrarharhhhhhhhghhh.. woosh that day i was listnening to 90.3.. and they played this song.. kinda old but ownage!
this is some old school pop.. A1 - Same Old Brand New You.. awesome shit.. lol
photoshopped my burning.. haha.. sian chow..
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