Naza's back.. for good.. i think.. lol.. god knows wat goes thru his head.... then there's Ban who finally after few months of job-hunting, found one!.. and now thats all left is poovi.. that one i dono.. LOL..
FUUUUUUUuuuu its only the 1st month and i;ve spend more than i've ever spent on average in 2 months last year.. lolz.. yeah.. damn empty la my wallet di.. @!#!@_(#)_@(#.. spent on food, clubbing, futsal, transformers.. yeah transformers.. as in ze toys.. <.<.. more on that later.. but despite all this this month is awesome!~.. Futsal being played every week.. heck even up to 3 times a week!~.. and they are allLLLL awesome.. WEEEeeee.. hope to play this week.. cant wait!~
Last week was the shitty-iest week ever.. LIKE LITERALLY SHITTY!~ Monday i ate half-boiled eggs and iced coffee in the morning.. ooohh i tell u.. this 2 dont mix.. i swear.... well, i had like food-poisoning, diarrhea (LOL i had to look up the dict to find the damn spelling) and air in my stomach.. all 3 at once.!@~ swear i painted the toilet every 10 minutes.. lolz.. even better is playing futsal later that night got me so burnt out i cant even move during sleep.. gosh.. dont wanna ever ever go thru it ever again.. did not cure till friday.. stupid shitty shit sickness.. psshs~

OHH OHH OHH!~ THIS IS THE BEST! NO wait.. ITS AWESOME!.. no the right word is LEGENDARY!!~ YES LEGENDARY!!!~ So we went to picadilly right to chill out.. so suddenly there was this guy who is Deva's fren came up to deva and greet la.. they were talking and we overheard.. well not exactly like this but something like this.. "U still hang out with DR.FAGGOT? He damn full of shit u know?" AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH omg shud see the expression on all of us.. CLASSIC!.. no wait LEGENDARYYY!~~~~
C'mon la.. for a guy to come up and tell another fella who he is not close to THAT! YOU! ARE! FULL! OF! SHIT!.. sigh.. if i get 10sen for everytime i hear ppl say u are full of shit.. I'd be buying myself a damn car wei.. haih.. Guess u just are.. FULL OF SHIT!.. WAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..
WOHOOO!~ ARSENAL GOT OWNED!.. worst defending ever seen.. Vermaelan is the only awesome player for Arsenal tonight.. sigh.. Nani.. suprisingly imba tonight.. but o well... next is Liverpool then Chelsea.. someones going down.. haha...
WHAT WAS GONNA MAKE MY MONTH? Lemme seeee... Watching Boys Like Girls live again? YES!.. Working at the event itself? DOUBLE YESSS!~~ buttttt too bad i didnt get it.. and was sick so couldnt go.. aihhh.. PLS BLG.. MAKE A DAMN CONCERT!.. omg..

oh lol.. previous post was a bit wierd one huh.. got someone who told another someone and that someone read the post.. and now i'm running away with my tail between my legs.. *embarassed*.. lolol.. =P
WHO HERE HASNT SEEN ZOMBIELAND! GO WATCH IT!.. LOL.. its damn awesome!.. saw it back like in errr december.. i know i update a bit slow here but SERIOUSLY! THAT SHOW IS!!.. wait for it...
LEGENDARY!!~~~~~.... I like the show cuz its funny and the lines are awesome! and EMMA STONEEE!~~~~.. liked her since House Bunny and Rocker.. never seen her in Superbad though.. but o welll..~~~~ weee having her as my current wallpaper now.. photoshopped style..
Stopped spending yesterday cuz end of the month.. and today I SHALL START AGAIN!!~~ FOR FEBRUARY!!~~ ..gonna start off with getting my new FUTSAL SHOES!~.. current ones are tearing.. hmmm.. and its almost 2 years old..
annnndddd until then.. SEEYAAAAA~~~~ peace out!~