Feeling kinda weird lately.. something i havent felt like in SOOO LONNGG!~ basically it feels like shitttt... cant even get a proper sleep... mind juz keeps on thinking and thinking... do you believe in karma? i dont know.. but if wats going on recently is karma.. then i submit to it...
i mean its bad.. reall bad tat if u break a girl's heart.. but breaking her heart twice... ughh.. been living with this fucking.. guilt? i dono wat to call it.. all i know i cant fucking move on!!~ i need to hear it from her.. i need her to scream at me.. hit me.. call it closure but i definitely did not get one.. well cuz 1st time completely disappeared from her life.. made her feel the worst.. 2nd time.. i did way worst.. kinda got okay back with her.. got back with her.. and i go around and screw everything up..
wat did i did? i kinda went out with another girl while being with her.. yeah.. im an ass.. a fucking huge one........................................... maybe i need that closure more than any other.. i need to know how she feels.. i need to know.. sigh...
uhh no idea wat im saying.. i juz typed watever comes to heart and mind.. juz wanna let it out...