The most recent Gundam which i bought. One which i've been anticipating since the OO Series back in 2009..
The pilot is Setsuna F Seiei, also the main character of the series. In this series, he believes that he himself is the embodiment of the Gundam, thus shouting "I AM GUNDAM".. LOL.. but later after certain events he then says "WE ARE GUNDAMS!" and yes.. that's how the name of my blog was created.. :D
ok... so when Bandai FINALLY annouce this kit, i was SUPER excited.. cuz its COOL!.. i think its the second best looking main character Gundam after Strike Freedom DUH!!~ i pre-ordered it for RM230.. it was quite low at that time, other places were going around rm250+.. after i got it, as life wud go, the price fell... FUUUU!~~~ fell to RM205.. EMO!~ @!(#!_@)#@!_)...ok moving onnn...
So this kit was quite worth the money.. cuz it has the Gundam itself.. and the support unit O Raiser.. and LOADS OF WEAPONS.. LIKE MANNYY!~.. hahaha...
GN-0000 + GNR-010 OO Raiser.. the whole box is filled to the brim with plastic.. WOOOHOO!~

Some random shots of the use of the GN Sword II.. The GN Sword II has two modes.. Sword mode and Rifle mode.. cool gimmick.. seeing Setsuna change the modes at will is WOOTS!

I like this shot.. FLYING HERE TO CUT U UP!~

Rifle mode.. PEW PEW

Trans Am mode.. RED BEAMS PEW PEW!




OO Raiser and its ultimate weapon.. GN SWORD III!~

Sword mode.. beautifulll... :D

Trans-Am Sword!

what i dont like and hate is the ankles.. not only that.. when docked with the O Raiser, the back is so heavy.. the whole kit tends to lean backwards and falls.. highly impossible to get it to stand straight..other than that.. absolutely love this kit.. :D