So today, I'm going to show my Diablo III cds. Yeah. I'm bored. Haha. So here it is. My Diablo III game.
Got it one day after the release date which is May 15th 2012. So mine arrived on the 16th. Many people complained about the server problems and had problems logging in, but when I tried it was fine. So far I've been playing I have not encountered any server problems besides my idiot of a brother is downloading something on his computer making my connection slow and getting boot out.
Anyway, I'm here to show the physical product of the game, not gonna talk about the actual game itself. Maybe some other time. So the case is like a booklet, so opening the cover shows a "fallen" and a cool line "And at the end of days..."
Inside the cover, it can be flipped open again! Inside there is portrait of a female Demon Hunter! HOW COOL IS THAT! Yes! Then on the right side it gives an idea on how the user interface in game works and looks.
The back of the case has description of the game, and in the background a huge barbarian about to behead something.
Nothing special on the spine of the casing.
Inside, boom! The DVD casing which is the exact duplicate of the hard box casing. Wrapped in plastic.
Inside there a DVD of the game. DUH! Then a booklet which has information of the game. Don't really remember what is it. Then there are extra guess passes, 2 for Diablo III and one for World of Warcraft.
Well, kinda sad because I wanted the Collector's Edition. It has a Diablo skull and a soul stone USB! HOW COOL IS THAT! Oh well, to buy one now costs up to RM1000! Crazy!