O.o almost a week i didnt post.. every night during weekend came back ard 2-3 in the morning so no time to post.. haha anyways.. FUCKER! i swear.. Malaysians.. babi poteh..
1. TO ALL THOSE NOOB FUCK ASS DRIVERS! If ur car can only speed up to 100km/h PLEASE FUKCING MOVE TO THE NEXT LANE! dont noob around the speeding lane.. babi.. piss me off.. some idoit proton fagg drive on the 1st lane at 80km.. wtf eh? HIGHWAY LA SOHAI!.. so pls.. drive smart no wait dont even drive..
2. MALAYSIAN HIP-HOP/ RAP/ RnB artist.. woosh this is gonna be fun.. U CLOWS JUZ DEFINE "DISGRACE" into a whole new fukcing level.. that Joe "noob-fuck" Flizo or whater crap name is the KING of Hip-Hop of malaysia? FUCKING JOKE MAN!~ wtf wei.. u serious? he shud juz go shoot himself.. Another clown C-A-P-R-I-C-E.. damn right.. that faggot.. go google his noob name and see his face.. wtf.. we all know the pupose of a cap is to cover the head.. but noooooooooooooo... this fagg here decides to cover HALF of his head thinking it looks KOOL on him.. dah la his stupid music vid is a fucking "drop it like its hot" ripp-off.. at least ppl got phantom.. ala ini mau letak 350Z.. put kancil la.. suit ur fag face.. i'll cont this topic next time.. i got LOTS more..
3. Why do u fuckers all wanna talk with slang? it it u dumb? or retarded? i dont need to say much about this.. so noob faggs.. AND! if u are too DAMN FUCKING NOOB ASS POOR.. dont smole pls... its already bad enuff tat u need to take ppl's cigarette do u even need to borrow lighter?.. some even better got cigarette but no lighter.. GO DIE LA.. puki..
So if any of u ever get on/under fire.. i'll be so damn happy to say this
"we dont need no water the the MOTHERFUCKER BURN! BURN MOTHERFUCKER BURN!"
Okay next chapter.. WOOT!.. awesome weekend.. well kinda awesome.. got my new laptop.. Compaq Presario C700. My dad got it off a deal with Citibank lol.. toobad only got integrated graphic card.. Overall nice black shiny widescreen Pcore-dua vista laptop.. lol.. i feel lost using vista.. well will get used to it soon.. babi only give 60 days trial for office 07..
Boo boo boooo.. this is TEH week!.. the week where i will get the gundams!! almost 3 weeks of saving/no-clubbing/less-takei/little yumcha.. i got 300 bucks!! woohoo.. cant wait for saturday.. gonna go sungai wang with ban to see the gundam competition then buy muh gundams.. woot!
On other news.. CRAP! assignment 2 for accs due TOMOROW!!! NOOOOOOooooOOO... GG la.. ONE FREAKING ACC PRACTICE BOOK to finish and i only did 2 pages.. i hate accs.. omg why is it a core sub? will TRY to fnish it tonight.. but wont be able cuz WoW will be distracting fo'sho..
wooosh! today was the 1st day of the futsal tourney in my housing area.. my team played the 1st game.. and.. woot! we won.. 6-3 with yours truely scoring 3.. LOL.. its was a damn awesome and very tiring game.. tomolo will be fag-o-cockhead's team.. they got trashed by ash's team 8-2.. our team will beat that score and send them noobs back to where they belong.. ^^
thanks to the top part of the post i totally forgot what i wanna write somemore.. lol.. ooh anyone watched Chuck? the series about geek and spy chic? woot.. its nice and funny.. go watch it.. hmm wat else.. i think i'll stop here.. ooh check this out.. i took this over the weekends.. got the inspiration after watching one episode of power rangers.. LOL.
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