well well.. i shall cont from my previous post.. omg.. i am soo damn lazy to blog.. but here i am still doing it.. lol.. anyways.. sshort summary as i go thru the pics.. !! came back from langkawi and rest one day then shoot to cameron the next.. WOOSH!

its freaking posted like a post-it note on the side of the wall.. SELAMAT DATANG KE CAMERON HIGHLANDS PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR!.. lmao.. we used the simpang pulai way which is the new road.. omg its so nice to drive.. haha.. we jammed the whole damn freaking way.. almost 4 hours to the apartment.. woosh.. we rent 2 apartments a normal one and the penthouse.. this is the view fomr the penthouse..

i blardy up the damn hill.. omg freaking cold.. the temp was like 16-18 degreess.. i dont remember the name of the place but its 500bucks per night.. its damn cheap consider for a 2 story 3 bedroom - 3 bathroom penthouse.. extra pllow and matress is provided..

1st hour was havoc.. everyone was unloading and resting and cold.. tired.. lol.. it was so cold.. u know how i warm myself up? drink this!

yes.. XO.. cordon blue lol.. believe me that this bottle is older than me.. by 2 freaking years.. ahahha.. damn lame == after resting then ard 7 we went out for dinner.. its so cold so u know wat is the most awesome food to eat? STEAMBOAT!!

then we walked the pasar malam.. bla de bla de bla.. and the next day as usual.. wat else can u do in cameron? go see plantations la.. omg.. jam like fuck for some noob reason.. every clown is up there.. lol.. reach the farm took pics as usual..

LOL.. that sunglass was a must la.. =P then we toured to other farms and other cousins was riding the pickup truck..

got lots more of pics la.. all with my cousins.. .. in the end.. after everything ends.. we all take a group photo.. all the couisns and Uncle Jack..

dum dee dum.. now wat? 2nd day adi.. tomolo go back.. HAVE FUN LA!!... lol we played some musical game that manda got from their camp.. omg played till 5.. we were laughing so blardy loud.. lol..

lol... me and eddie sleeping la... shhhhhhhhh.... ahhaha. thic pic actually was taken leaning on the wall.. we were standing.. looks like we lying on the floor right? hahaha..

view of the apartment we stayed in.. woosh..

everyone outside... getting ready for farewell picah..

everyone smile!!~

look! its ..... an aeroplane? lol..

WOOOOHOOO!!! and thats the end of the trip..
anyways.. the next post i shall review my Strike Noir.. and my Tube.. got it 2 weeks adi.. got it 3 days b4 official release.. even got a price that no one can even get close to.. ahaha.. =P till then chowwowow... omg even got a drama to fill in.. ahahaha...
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