w00t!!.. its episdoe 23 of the second season.. gundam 00 is gonna end.. T.T.. this series is soooooooo awesome.. =P well here are some screenies.. lolx
this is Regene Regetta.. Tiera's other half.. SHE"S DEAD!! got shot and killed by Ali lol.. woosh!
lmao.. Innovator's MOTHERSHIP! and the irony its called Celestial Being.. ahahah has a FARKING bug cannon and lots of small laser batteries.. imba-x...
last episode there was like 1000 clones of Bring and Divine.. and this is why.. farking Billy.. he ass made like an army of Gaga mechs.. like the one in the above pics.. and best part.. ALL CAN TRANS AM! WTFF?? and its kamikaze.. they transam and go like rush and crash onto CB's units.. == sooo lame..
WOOT.. the infamous O gundam finally goes to battle.. currently its being piloted by Ian.. This O gundam is design with the reference to RX-78 gundam which is the first ever gundam.. hahaha.. even the colours are the same..
Ali vs Lockon.. ROUND 2!!... 1st round Lockon got killed and Ali was badly damaged.. and then this twin brother took over and round 2 juz begun.. who will appear to win? we shall see next week.. i really hope it was tiera to kill ali but now.. hmmm.. 2 more episodes though..
woohooo.. the current battle.. is 00 Raiser vs Regnant and Ahead.. and boy o boy.. 00 is raping both singlehandedly.. Regnant deploy its fangs? pew pew pew BOOMM 00 takes em all out.. wtf la.. sutpid 00 damn imba..
more gundam news.. haha.. =P next month.. this is coming out and OMGWTFBBQILOVEITSOMUCHIAMSOGONNAFUKKENGETIT!!!! A@()*#!@()HDASHF..
This is ZGMF-X24s Sword Impulse Gundam.. omg look at it.. IT IS SOO BEAUTIFUL!!.. FARK DESTINY SHINN IS NOOB..

i know.. this week.. i dono why.. i have been studying and doing my homework.. i feel very very motivated.. thanks to you.. if that is wat u wish.. i will make ur wish come true.. i will dtudy very hard so i can come see u.. i promise.. and i am gonna keep it.. gosh.. i didnt know one sentence can make me feel this way.. sooooooo damn highly super motivated.. WOOT..
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