Lmao.. deva, ju asked and ju shall receive.. this is a vid of a maid being abused by the employer.. i shall warn.. its more violent than the small kid abuse.. so it is not for the feint hearted..
hoped i satisfied ur needs... hahaha...
So wolverine was out.. went and watch on the 1st day.. omg the hype was so high.. it kills the movie.. its not wat u expect it to be.. it is kinda slow and talking lots.. toobad i went it lil late i missed Deadpool's action.. Ryan Reynolds or however u spelled it had like a 10-15 minutes screen time..
Well the only marvel hero i have ever been so interested in was Deadpool.. i loved him after playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance on ps2 ard 2/3 years ago.. i think.. Here's a brief history of Deadpool, well.. Deadpool is a normal guy who was dying of cancer.. he then voluntered in the Weapon X program and then he gained the regeneration ability which was like wolverine's but faster.. his cancer wasnt cured.. because his sells was dying away, his regen ability recreates the cells.. he was apart of a team with Wolverine and Sabretooth and few others.. He wears a suit, red and black, has 2 swords, 2 guns and has a teleporter belt.. he knows martial arts as well..
as of now u think "oh here another normal superhero,.. bla bla bla".. HAH! ju my friend.. ish wrong!.. one thing of this character that attracts me is his personality.. omg he can make u giggle like a virgin girl.. ... *dum dee dum*... well one is his mouth.. he talks non stop.. and talks a lot.. he likes to tease and make fun of his enemies and friends.. and thus he gets the name "Merc with a mouth".. he likes to talk to the readers or ppl who is watching the show.. how? like if u are reading his comics.. he will talk to you by giving a sort of remark.. ahaha.. in the game (Marvel Ultimate Alliance), whenever Wolverine levels up, he says "Now i am better in wat i do".. when Deadpool levels up.. he says "Now i'm better at watever that Wolverine does".. lololol.. alot more la.. i like Deadpool a lot.. hope the rumors are true about a movie of his own.. IT WILL BE AWESOME!.. hope they stick to the original design story and character.. here is a few pics of him.. well correct me if i'm wrong i'm not really clear and acurate abt his bio but its abt there..

Lmao.. i was watching Top Gear juz now.. Season 2 Episode 2.. it aired in the UK back in 25th May 2003, i was surprised they reviewed.. THE KELISA!!! no shit hahaha.. i tot it was only on the movie Jeremy Clarkson made.. the other 2 presenters said it was a nice and good car.. one of them, James May said "the nearest thing i've driven to the original mini" even Richard Hammond agreed.. he liked the sound the engines made.. ahaha.. best comment i LOL was when Jeremy said.. and i quote "it is made in the jungle clearing by someone who went to work on an ox".. ahhahahaha omg best line about banging malaysia i've ever heard..
gg la.. almost 4 adi.. i gonna go sleep.. chow..
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