Arthas isnt even out yet and this bomb is dropped on us.. 1st expansion was Burning Crusade aka BC which Illidan Stormrage was the main villian then because ppl downed it soo fast Kil'Jaedan was made to interest players b4 the next expansion Wrath of the Lich King aka Woltk with Arthas at the peak of it..
With this new expansion comes 2 new race.. for Alliance will be Worgens.. humans who can turn to Werewolves.. and for the Horde.. Goblins are now part of it.. DAMN SOHAI!>!>!>!>!.. .. Watch this vid and u see all the stuff coming.. =)
speaking about sohai.. OMG! wtf la.. why the fuck Worgen's are in alliance? cuz we horde have Taurens? and so cuz u have gnomes we got goblins? FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU!~~~.. lololol.. rubbish la.. zzz.. if it was me.. fuuyoo mine pro di..
Like the vid say the war between Alliance and Horde gets worsen.. and the Legion is pressing on.. destroying everything.. the soon to be extinct race PANDA!.. yes omg they are awesome.. PANDA!.. is being saved by Jaina and then in return they joined the Alliance to help fend of the legion.. and then the Horde leader Thrall found the banished race Worgen that was kept banished away from reality by the humans centuries ago cuz of their wretched curse and they repay Thrall by helping the Horde..
sigh.. wudnt that be better? WE dont need goblins.. they are fucgly.. short lame and retartded.. o well this expansion is much more exciting and bigger as well.. so it seems to be release in spring 2010.. so till then will keep updating on it.. ^^
So now we are playing Yahoo UK's Fantasy Football.. and omg its damn lol.. everyone's being competitive well except Ban and Naza.. well they got their reasons.. so this is the week 1 wrap up!...
Leading the Pack is Mark.. then Deva, Zach,Ash,Puvi,Me,Naza and then Ban. Last one is Syafig but he joined late so he wudnt be getting any points for week 1.. he will start at week 2.. lolz..
and i've added this widget at my side bar showing players injuries.. lolz.. trying ni.. if no fun i remove..
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