Finally got my long awaited MG Astray Blue Frame Second Revise.. waited it since it was announced back 2 months.. syok.. got it at 2009 BAKUC at Sungei Wang last wed for RM166.. cheapest i can find lolz..
So here's the box art.. and crap shit.. open the box.. almost fainted.. got damn many runners.. @!#)(!*@#(!...
The one main reason that attracted me to this kit was the huge ass sword.. i mean seriously.. its effing huge.. its like even taller than the gundam itself.. lolz.. took me almost 4 hours to build it.. take my time.. lining.. cutting it properly.. weeee looks soooo awesome.. BANDAI even provided a freaking stand for this sword.. lmao..
Kool sword eh.. its called Tactical Arms.. lolz.. now the easiest part to build in all Gundam kits.. ze head.. goota be honest.. dont really like the head design.. cuz i only post one angle of it.. but actually its kinda long.. the head.. so doesnt really cut it for me.. sigh..
Naturally the body comes after the head.. lolz.. and so did it.. this one was quite long to build.. took me a day.. well was side tracked by Vampire Diaries in the process.. wahaha.. but it was alll gooooood... the design of the stomach area is kinda new as it can bend more and this more flexible..
After the chest was the waist.. This is fairly easy as there is not much lining to do.. and less parts are used.. Then the shoulders.. damn farny.. I was like "WTF!?" when the manual wrote "Right Shoulder Armer".. hmmmm Armer?? isnt it Armor? so used the dictionary.. and sigh.. nice usage of the word.. lolz Armer means somthing that is attacteched to shoulder.. lololol.. now who says Gundam Kits isnt educational..
One thing really suprised me that being a MG kit.. the shoulders well.. has not much detail on it.. so means less lining.. weeeeeeeeeeeee.... the arms then took me 2 hours EACH!.. yea.. its kinda boring doing the same thing twice.. literally.. only thing different was the fist.. sigh..
Well the feet was supposed to be the last but wat the heck.. its easier and less time consuming.. and the legs is the most boring, and longest part of all to build.. so lets leave that out 1st.. as the Blue Frame was closing to release into the market, more and more info on it was released, i LOLED when i found out that the front of the feet can have a blade coming out.. like that movie.. err i forgot which.. and the heel area an axe can come out to literally do and axe kick.. lololol.. i like the feet design.. looks like those heavy duty boots which lumberjacks use.. lol..
Well.. the legs.. took me whole day to make.. the left is the completed one.. while on the right is the "naked" frame only.. see the difference.. damn alot of lines to do but thank BANDAI for the armors which will cover it so no need to completely line the legs.. weeee... only line wat u can see..
Well took me about 5-6 days to complete the whole kit and its GOOOD.. the kit feels solid and stabil.. Not like other MGs where they feel clumsy and flimsy.. like the colour scheme.. and i hope they release the Red Frame soon.. ^^.. next post is about the completed kit.. action poses.. lolz..
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