U see, there is this dumb dick wad which i've been tolerating for years. Over the course of few months, frens told me he has change.. but i tell u know.. oh yeah he did.. he became more of an idoit anooying "sitcky" parasite and still has the same old quality of retarded! irratating! INCREDIBLY REPELLANT! and off course.. FULL OF SHIT!..
He is unreliable.. well small things yea sure he'll do it.. somthing bigger? ur better off asking ur dog.. no seriously.. excuses which only a rat will believe and his words are full of shit.. this SHIT has gotta STOP!.. Well i dont know if he notices that no one wants to call him for anything.. but haih.. i'm not the one who organizes..
"fuck him" "eh dont waste my breath" "dude.. i see him i'm leaving".. has all been my response if ever of my frens ask me to call him.. eh wait.. i think there is this little bird u know.. invisible.. kinda like spies for him.. and some how he then magically appears and WOOT! he's coming!.. hmmm ...
Well shure he's good one thing.. and that benefits us.. well SOMETIMES only!.. other times it juz makes things worst.. and the excuses and retardacy juz keeps on coming.. yea shure.. u wanna be a king.. the jock.. the cool.. make statements at people and think "damn i'm awesome".. ahaha yea thats what you think.. behind u wat ppl say?.. i tell u.. "wtf?" "dude is he retarded?" "OMG i cant believe i heard that".. even ur frens which well i dont really know can tell me the same thing.. ahah i think u need a best fren to tell u how shitty u are.. o well.. guess u wont cuz ur ego is so far up into the sky it pierced the gods.. so pls.. STFU..
Change? i've lost all hope for him to change.. every second more i juz want him to VANISH!.. haih.. only my other frens are so nice.. SO NICE!.. dont come and tell me u dont wanna do it cuz its u did it like 2 days in a row.. or suggest "take turns".. i've been doing it for 2+ years and didnt even say anything and u wanna come and push us around? ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME?..
Juz like a tip in WOW said "Be nice and polite to your gourp members to be invited back".. SO THERE!.. i'm off.. meh.. i wanna photoshop ur face into this pic so badly.. and i am hell shure deva will help me do it..

hmmm some how it kinda is U!.. now FUCK OFF!...
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