see todays futsal was err.. not epic.. kidna funny.. so our team is kinda passive on violence.. most agressive thing we've ever done was when puvi got kicked and he stood up and shouted loudly.."WTF IS UR PROBLEM!".. thats all.. usually on other times puvi is the tamest guy on the field!.. LOL.. rhuban will juz say "wtf?".. ban will give that "i will kill u glance".. HAHA EPIC!.. Naza well.. he'll juz keep it inside then in the car he will say "mahai that fucker".. HAHAHA.. then me.. well i'll juz call them names.. LOL..if we win..
so got this new "team" came and play.. out of the 5.. 2 were champions.. one wears a blue jersey with the number 7..
we shall call him Faggotron and another is the keeper.. which wears gloves but its for decoration cuz the only thing he'll be saving is his vagina.. LOL!.. lets call him captain jackass.
so yea we played them 1st.. we kinda lost.. o well.. its all rhuban's fault!.. ahaha.. so watever we went out.. then after they beat the the next team.. game on! its our turn.. naza was the keeper.. he threw the ball from goal post and right onto me in front of the oposite team's keeper.. it was such an AWESOME throw from naza.. it his my shoulders and went in... they retards called for "NO GOAL!!"
1st of all it hit me and went it.. so how is that not a goal? fine.. 2nd.. the keeper.. Captain RETARD!.. o wait was it jackass? ok CAPTAIN JACKASS! after the ball deflected off my shoulder and was going into goal.. he CATHCES the ball *pointless use of the glove.. didnt help*.. and BEING A HERO! he jumped into the goal.. ==!!~~~.. then best.. he shouted "NO GOAL!!".. i was like.. DUDEEE wtf? u know that expression of the rock when he does that brow thingy? oh ya.. something like this.. LOLOLOL.. the guy with the blue jersey.. aka Faggotron.. GOT PPISSED!.. best thing he can ever say was "like that also counted?".... DUDE IT TOUCHED ME AND ENTERED! HOW THE FUCK DOES IT NOT COUNT? ARE U FUCKING RETARDED?.. it all started there.. u see his face damn farny.. he was red and pissed!.. he took the kick and FUUUU dono where the ball went..
o well they lost and we stayed till literally didnt care abt losing cuz we were so fucking tired of playing.. we juz let the game go.. we stayed in about 7 games.. During games we played with Captain Jacktard and Faggotron, they were well kinda unhappy cuz from the way they played.. either they hook rhuban's leg or push zach, they ended up conceding a goal.. i quote from rhuban.. "everytime he kick me i score a goal"... ahah rhuban was so pissed, with this condition of his leg which he shudnt even be playing dribbled thru 7 plaayers.. well 5 a side but 2 of them came back for more.. so yeah 7.. got thru 7 and scored.. .. LOL!.. IN YO FACE!..
stupidest thing i've seen is... i'll do this as if i was the commentator..
"oh and faggotron has the ball.. he got past zach.. he's OPEN! wats he gonna dO!? he does a stepover!.. anotehr stepover!.. he's still open.. no one is infront of him.. yet another stepover and OH NO HE RAN INTO RHUBAN!.." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... i swear.. i was outside looking and went DUDEE WTF?.. i cant stop lauging.. omg.. wat a retard.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..
well then things kinda went even more south after a pass from rhuban came to my feet.. stop with my left leg.. ONE ON ONE WITH CAPTAIN ASSTARD! instead of scoreing.. i shouted FUCK U! and o well.. scored past him.. maybe i shudnt have said that.. maybe i shud.. o well.. glad i did.. ^^ oh and Captain Jackass was pissed all he did from the oustide was stare.. i think he's gay.. =)
so they're pissed.. well pissed cuz they're on a losing streak.. like lose so much u wanna elbow the other team's striker cuz he's pissing u off.. well i'm the other teams striker.. LOL.. i was like looking at the ball coming to me.. suddeny a palm and elbim came from behind.. i was like... err watever la.. losers.. we won i kinda shouted "aww the girls have to go out.."..
the real drama started during the last 5 minutes.. the ball was open.. i ran to get it suddenly Faggotron came and instead of winning the ball.. he was trying to win my ass.. i think he's gay too.. LOL.. i had enuff.. he was having the ball.. i charge towards him with my elbow and hand stkicking out.. with no intention of winning the ball.. lol I MISSED!.. DAMN!.. ahahahah.. o well he got pissed he started pushing.. then from the end of the field.. Captain Jacktard came running.. "wanna FIGHT IZIT NOW?" Faggotron high up with his muscle said.. "come la!!~".. oh i remember him calling me "pussy" thats why i put my finger on my lips.. LOL.. o well..
i got so many things running thru my mind.. so many words i wanted to juz shout out.. but all that came out was.... nothing.. LOL.. i put my finger on my lips telling the faggot to shut up.. u know wat he say? "SHUT UP!".. my finger still on my lips.. and i am nodding "OK!" and u know wat he say? "SHUT UP!".. DUDEEE IS HE RETARDED?
so we kinda wanted to continue to play.. but the other team came in and said "guys call it a night.. times up".. 1st thing came out of my mouth was.. "good!.. at least we dont have to play with girls..".. LMAO.. that kickstarted the whole thing..
Faggotron and Captain Jackshit ran straight to me.. and Captain Numbfuck said "wtf u calling girls now?".... ................................. i wanted to laugh so badly.. i juz cant take it.. everyone was pushing them and me apart.. then out of no where.. NAZA!... my hero!.. he was outside of the court.. the other side.. suddenly juz ran in and push Captain Retard!!!!!.. LMAO.. ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! if i'm not mistaken he said "WTF IS UR PROBLEM NOW?".. omg Captain Jackass being a retard.. "he calling us girl!".
ARE U FUCKKING KIDDING ME?... This is wat happens when u call a fat guy.. who wears gloves when palying futsal and dont even use them to save his life.. GETS PISSED! cuz he was called a girl.. WTFFFFFFFF????????.... maybe he shud have juz shut da feck up.. OHH OHH.. Naza was throwing words at them!.. they were trying to get to Naza yelling "HIT ME LA!.. WANNA FIGHT IZIT? HIT ME LA?!" ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz now u know wat i mean when i say girls? i put my hands over naza's shoulders and said.. "naza ur my hero.. but lets not waste time on these girls.. its not worth it..".. we smiled and left..
ohh the Dynamic Fuckos still not getting enuff.. we were all gathering to pay up and Faggotron was smiling and staring.. i FUCKING THINK he's GAY!.. or he;s into beef.. cuz i think thru his eyes all he sees are steaks.. LOL.... u know i'm kinda meaty.. but dudeee.... HAHAHAHAH...
best part.. they wanna call ppl.. SIGH!.. is this how chinese ppl do things? gets mad after being called a girl.. cant suck it up cuz u lost badly? u guys taking the term sore losers to a WHOLE new level.. fucking embarassing.. maybe i overdid some stuff.. maybe like shouting goal everyime they concede.. then laugh loudly if they concede.. maybe if i was nicer.. hmmmmmmmmmm........... FUCK THEM!.. if they wanna be girls then so be it.. sigh..
ohh ohh.. to make things better.. the organizer Kelvin came in and said "who are these guys? who invited them? whose frens?" ahahahah see their faces.. sohai 1st time come play with us.. wanna be damn pro and show faces.. go die!..
no need fight one.. wanna settle this.. u go get 5 we get 5.. we paly it out in the court.. but o well.. most probably more fighting will happen then.. so watever..
omg.. not to mention.. Faggotron think he's damn pro.. kick the ball against the wall doing all the stupid shit then he kick it and hit the light.. it broke and fell.. 1st thing he did was pussied out.. smile like a dumb fuck and went and sit beside his frens.. == wtF? talk about girls..
o well.. we're so liked.. we got invited back!.. toobad for the other team.. looks we wont be seeing the dynamic fuckoles for some time.. the other 3 i dont mind.. they're nice.. even a guy from their team came up to me and said "sorry, he's always like that..".. FUCK U FAGGOTRON.. even ur teammates ran away.. sigh.. i feel sad for u now..
soooo thats how clearly i remember the incident.. i most probably wont be able to recall clearly if i went to bed.... so yeah.. futsal.. good times.. ahahah
wow.. i still cant believe.. i was called a pussy cuz i didnt wanna hit a guy whose pissed cuz i called him a girl.. juz WOW!.. wat a faggot..
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