I think i've been to Thai more than i've been to any country.. LOL.. actually more of the same place in thailand.. but this time.. its something different.. previous times was with the family.. but this time with 2 wacks!~ most prob the most awesome trip i've been on with frens.. LIKE EVVEERRR!~~ wahahaha

Totally random shot.. dont this kid looks like a girl from a horor movie? omg.. LOL

The plane we boarded.. blardy tight wei the seating.. omg..

the 2 epic wacks!~

The king is EVERYWHERE!~

Deva enjoying his beer.. LOL.. beer iz vely bely teh cheap here~

1st stop was buying some stuff.. then we went here.. Floating Market.. awesome place.. :D

Why? cuz the locals are selling food on a boat.. which is afloat.. lots of food and stuff.. well LOTS OF FOOD!~~

Here's deva and his worm..

Deva and his scorpion.. BTW.. this thing smells so BADDDDDD.. u can smell it from a mile from here..

Deva and his frog.. LOL

Stayed there for almost an hour.. who knew at night this place is beautifull... :D


Oh yeah.. this was the 1st place we went to.. buy these tickets.. LOL.. TIGER SHOW~~.. omg that show is wrong on soooooo many level.... LOL but it was an epic experience.. wahahahah

2nd day was tiring one.. cuz we travelled around in this TUT TUT~.. go do some sight seeing around temples.. yada yada.. normal stuff..

Then at the end of the day.. well almost.. well actually its juz half way.. Deva got his tattoo he wanted.. did it fast and got it cheap.. and the quality? iTs SUPERB!..

We were bored cuz we dont know wat to do!~~... so went to do last minute shopping.. all buy clothes.. and i only got this.. LOL.. i think me buying this jersey has led the team to lose.. :P

Natan.. i mean naza.. with his Fags United jersey.. LOL

ok.. so we were bored.. so we went to have a lil drink.. at this place.. is and the end of an alleyway where we bought our stuf.. some PRETTY interesting thing happen here.. HAHAHAH omg..

3rd day.. woke up early to catch our flight.. and man the flight home was epic!~

Another hot stewardess.. left one is Joanna.. the right one is i really dont care.. .....

This is thailand weather..

This is the shit ass malaysian weather.... always raining and gloomy.. damn depressing~@!~~~@~~

gahh.. well.. not letting to much info out.. cuz we promised wat ever happen there stays there~~.. and i want to clarify.. WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING THERE!~.. only saw.. LOL
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