Welcome! This post is about the Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom from the Gundam Wing movie Endless Waltz. Piloted by Duo Maxwell, this Gundam is one of the favourites among the fans. Why? well, one cuz it has a huge beam scythe, two, it has DEVIL or BATMAN WINGS!.. LOL
Here's a pic of the completed kit. Bought it when it was released.. uhh around end of March.. Only complain i have for the kit is the colours, the hands, the proportion of the kit and the built.. so tat being said basically the entire kit is kinda BAD...

compare long stocky legs and big shoulders.. the torso is so short and small.. i've mentioned this in the Deathscythe KA review.. but dont worry there is a feature to "hide" its unproportionate build..
The wing binders can be expanded to give a menacing look.. i absolutely love the wings.. its the main point why i actually bought it..
wings can be moved back.. no problem.. its not that heavy but since it has wings.. its better off being in the "air" doing some aerial fighting.. haha
folly attempt to copy the move done in the movie.. o well this is the closest i can get.. looks beautiful right? weeeeeeeeeee
This is a beautiful pose.. absolutely love it..



More random pose/shots..

Now compared to its predecessor.. see the wings can be closed to enamble the active cloaking wings turns the Deathscythe invisible to the eye and radar.. lulz..
When there's a devil, there's always an angel.. about time its here.. the Wing Zero needed its buddy.. o well no worries.. bandai is planning on releasing all 5 of them plus the Epyon and Tallgeese.. so yeah.. many more to comee!!
So overall the kit gets a 4/10 for me.. seriously.. only bought it cuz its from the WING series and the batman wing is COOL.. if not easy skip..

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