You may not know it. But to me, little things makes a of difference to me. You may think its petty and stupid but to me its not.
Yeah, i'm all in for the big romantic gestures, but the small little things is enough for me. Sometimes i feel like you take me for granted. Isn't a relationship supposed to be a two way street?
Right now im not feeling you at all. Something has changed. You don't wish me goodnight anymore. I'd say goodnight and i get an "ok" from you. WTF? Thats not an "OK" reply. What is it so hard to reply "goodnight" too. Seriously. I dont understand.
When you're angry, you go crazy, you start ignoring me, start throwing your temper on me. Cause I can take it right? Cause no matter what u do I'll still be here for u right?
Like i said little things. When u are tired and sleepy, u get angry for no fucking reason. NO FUCKING REASON. Well I'm not like that. Even no matter how tired or sleepy i am, i still treat u like a princess. Maybe thats just me.
Recently. You also start to not reply my messages. SEEN THEM then not replying. WTF? So hard to reply? You're so fucking busy till cant type in a few words. Good. Very good.
All this things you are doing. Makes me doubt myself. Makes me wonder what am i doing wrong. Is there something i am not doing enough. Do you even know what you are doing?
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