Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Crazy News!!
Jodi Wykle knew her son would be thrilled when she gave him a new Nintendo DS for his birthday.
Instead, he was rocked.
The confused teen opened up his gift only to find bunch of stones and a rolled up Chinese newspaper in place of the popular handheld.
The troubling discovery prompted the Florida woman to contact the local Wal-Mart where she bought the curious box and complain, but reportedly workers there told her it wasn't their problem and that she should contact Nintendo instead. Of course, Nintendo told her roughly the same thing, leaving mother and son with a $138 box of rocks.he troubling discovery prompted the Florida woman to contact the local Wal-Mart where she bought the curious box and complain, but reportedly workers there told her it wasn't their problem and that she should contact Nintendo instead. Of course, Nintendo told her roughly the same thing, leaving mother and son with a $138 box of rocks.
Wal-Mart soon caved after learning that the same box of rocks had been previously returned by another disgruntled customer. How exactly it made it back onto store shelves remains a mystery, but for her troubles, Wykle was given a full refund and a $20 gift card.
It's not the first time Wal-Mart has gotten into hot water for selling a questionable handheld. Earlier this month, a PSP system bought at a different Wal-Mart store in Florida was found to contain a memory card filled with pornographic images. - JUICE
LMAO.. how u like that.. why do ppl buy things in US without opening the package inside and check? i dono wat to say.. but LMAO.. dumbass at works.. the PSP also is good la omg.. CHAMPION!!
OK next is a video from youtube.. i got a mail for this vid about 2 weeks back.. i'm juz gonna say.. this vid is not for the feint hearted.. omg this is abuse at its best..
This happend last year at wangsa maju.. the maid is sentence to 2 years in jail.. but i think it is not enuff.. but seriously.. i dono why.. i LOLed so damn hard when the maid did her kick.. omg.. its damn cartoonnish.. i shall shutup now b4 i get flammed.. so whoever has maids at home.. keep an eye out.. we must prevent this!.!.. make sure when u hire a maid her resume doesnt have a "i know kung fu!".. lololl.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pink like Vadge

kla.. i try go sleep.. psshhh lolz..
Monday, April 27, 2009
On thursday after class, me and puvee went to see rims for me car.. oh yeah.. i found these..

all the rims here are 15 inches and cost around 900 - 1000.. yeah.. ITS DAMN CHEAP!!! lulz.. well i think its cheap cuz its 15 inch and its already quite old stock.. so watever la.. too bad these are the ones only can fit me evo3.. =P.. wat i originally had in mind was a black rim with a blue stripe surrounding the rims.. like the last picture.. but i dont like that design cuz the stripe is too out.. the design i want is like the fifth picture, black colour and the blue stripe inside the rim like the 1st and 2nd pic. XD!! i saw that rim but too bad someone already bought it.. !!!ASS!!!.. well puvee recommends that i take the gold one (3rd pic) cuz gold will somehow suit my car and it has a blue stripe where i want it.. the problem is.. i am gonna put racing stripe at the end of the year.. like the viper onee.. 2 white stripe over the middle of the car.. so i dont think gold will suit it.. so if that is the plan.. most prob the 2nd pic rim is most suitable for me.. hmmmmmmmmm.... i dooonoooo laa.aa.a.a..a... aih i cant decide.. help me!!!
Do ju know wats tiring? lolz.. went to kl today.. me ban puvee and jc.. besides we 3 keep banging JC and his gay act, we went looking around low yat cuz ban wants to buy his new peesee.. gg.. cost up to 3k lol.. damn high end pc.. went at 3.30 and came back at 8.30.. pshhhhh... well we went to dine at Kim Gary for lunch and suprisingly Ban payed for all of us.. haha.. well not buch ard 30 cuz only i ate.. puvi and jc shared the parking ticket which was 9 bucks.. lulz.. stupid la dman expensive.. well i provided teh transport and petrol.. XD.. besides ban surveying for his pc, i was checking out the steering wheel price for muh ps3.. average pricing ard 350-450.. damn expensive..
Then we went checking out gundams... got like 4 shops.. 1 in low yat and 3 in times square.. fark la.. damn tempting to buy.... PSHHH!!! ban bought the LAST Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom.. and too bad i was looking for the Devil Gundam and its gone!... T.T.. bahhh..
Was checking emails.. and i got one from amanda.. i didnt open.. imagine how long the mail was tehre when it contains pics of CNY.. LULZ! and here is my 2 favourite pics.. all the cousinz is here!! best time la..
Adrian : OMIGOSH LOOK!!!!
Lulz.. XD! awesome time we have.. hope next year it will be better.. XD
WOOHOOO!!! GG Vettel won 1st place last week.. this week 2nd.. GG!.. he IS GOD!!! Fabregas scored 2 for arsenal.. his second goal was MAGIC!!.. GG... and its time to go.. watch tv till 8.. chowwwww....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
S.L.O.W -
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
10 Favourite Cars
10. Chevrolet Corvette ZR.1

9. Inifinity Skyline V35

8. Mazda Furai
7. Aston Martin V8 Vantage
6. Mazda RX-7 FD3S

5. Lamborghini Reventon
If Bruce Wayne needs to crash another lambo, and all he got is this, he wud Alfred and crash him.. LOLOLOL.. NO WAY he gonna crash this.. THIS PIC DOES IT NO JUSTICE!.. but i lazy post to many pics.. lol.. This car is designed after the F-22 Raptor.. rediculously priced at 1mil euro, only 20 of this epic masterpiece is built.. wtf.. 20.. the WHOLE WORLD.. only 20.. and got like 3 Reventons in Hong Kong.. WTFFF>..<
4. Ascari A10
When u think of a yellow car and black stripes a Chevy Camaro or a Ford Mustang will come into mind.. NO MORE!.. this ppl is the Ascari A10.. Best ever British car made after the Aston Martins.. THIS CAR IS SO FAST... it leave ur sould behind while ur body is already at the destination.. This car has to stereo or watsoever.. u know why? cuz the super 5.0 BMW v8 engine is so loud, u'll be doing sign language for the rest of ur life.. It was so fast, it was the fastest car ever been round the Top Gear track until the Gumpert Apollo came around.. lol..
3. Lamborghini Murcielago LP-640

2. Honda NSX
lol.. and thats all.. i am truly really bored.. w00T! genting tomolo with JC and gang.. gonna drive up.. lol its gonna be fun.. and as usual ambitious but rubbish..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Was bored so i'd repose my gundams.. =P these are my three precious kits.. left is Strike Noir, Mid is Infinite Justice and Right is Strike Freedom.. XDXD..
wooo.. 2 weeks time gonna have annother addition.. muh Sword Impulse.. XDXDXD..
uhhhhh... one week break.. finally i can sleeeeppepepep.. no early wake-ups.. and JC now plaans to go Genting.. hmmmm... go in the morning have buffet.. lol.. and then come back down in the evening.. woosh.. maybe we'll hit the theme park la.. but PUVI ahahah omg he's scared of the rides.. wtf .., ahahaha.. seems JC gonna bring his fren for puvi.. omg i gonna lullzlzlzlzl to deah when that happedns.. wahahahha..
fark eh.. helo bali was damn boring that night.. dono la.. damn noo mood.. maybe cuz the law assignment really drained me out.. holiday is awesome.. wednesday we shall go myst, thrudsday genting, friday bali again.. lool.. gg la.. no maney..
ooh.. i think i have to delay my top 10 bullshit post...ahhaha.. damn lazy to think. and got a lot and i cant remember.. =P... wooo! Xmen Origins is this week.. naise la.. movie! movie! movie!..
Monday, April 6, 2009
Peniston Oil

wat happend when u open the door? ye.a.h... it didnt get any better.. lol..
see it? the doors.. hahahahaha... geniues.. ahahahahah
anyways.. finish my Business Law assignment.. finally.. omg this is sux.. 2 days of nightless sleep.. i mean sleepless nights.. XD.. and then i didnt write 3k.. only manage 2k.. TT.. gonna get farrkrkskskskasa.... hope i pass.. hmmmm...
woot.. no dinna tonight so i gonna go A&W now!.. woohoo.. seeya..
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Arios Gundam

mmmmmmm yes.. the 1/100 NG Arios Gundam. I promised myself not to get No Grades kit anymore but this one is toooooo poisonous.. and i got like half price for it.. it was the ONLY one left and its priced at 145.95. Jusco has like 20% discount.. no matter how it is still more expensive than Famitoy, but then.. woot!.. i got rm40 cash voucher.. swoosh.. my mom didnt need it so i used it.. got it for 75. lol.. bargain like shytt.. ahahaha... well took 2 days to construct.. i was lazy and tired so did it slowly.. heres the result..
The nose of the plane can spilt to 2 into a pincer like thingy.. used to crush anythings into half.. lol.. previously Kyrios had this feature built into its shield..
In Gundam mode, lol.. looks awesome.. most i like about the kit is the head.. actually all Gundam heads are awesome, each have their own characteristics and unique design, Arios' is juz aweosme.. oh.. the colour is nice too.. but the pics dont to it justice cuz my noob 5800 camera sux.. the better colored ones is from my digital camera..
In a totally unrelated subject..
Yesterday i saw u.. ... is this how u torture me? while kissing ur bf u look at me?.. i almost died.. i was so heartbroken i woke up.. ==.. fark man.. sutpid dream.. @!()&*(%!#&#!@... made me feel wierd whole day.. cant even concentrate in lecture.. psshshshshs... i dont care! i am still coming over to see u..
and thats that.. moving on.. Gundam 00 ended.. as the saying goes, the old must go for the new to come.. IT IS INDEED WAT HAPPEND!! today is the start of a new season to FMA!! WOOT!.. FMA = Full Metal Alchemist.. another awesome anime.. its about magic and conjuring stuff.. lol.. dling it now at like 120kbs/sec.. awesome huh.. lol.. and i think i gonna stop here...
oh btw.. end of this week.. i gonna have a Top10 post.. u know about wat?
Damn right foos.. u might see ur name in it.. so stay tuned.. faarrrrk.. chow.. oh.. wanna see a pic of puvi dancing with his cousin's ex? HAHAHAHAHA.., next time hahaha... puvi's gonna be pissed..
WOOHOOO!!!... Hey Monday's new video is out!!! 2nd favourite song of mine from their album.. SHE IS DAMN HOT!! WOOOHOOO...
here's the vid.. watch it ppl.. its teh bomb..
Hey Monday - How You Love Me Now
You were talking to her
But messing with me
It's finally clear
You're blurring the lines
Are you disturbed?
Oh, now you care
Why do you race through my red lights?
Can't understand
I'll slow it down for you
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
Baby tell me how
How you love me now
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
I hate when you say
How you love me now
Save it for her
I'm not gonna hear
Your reasons and "please-just-take-me-backs"
We never were right
Don't waste your breath
You crashed and you're on your own tonight
Can't understand
I'll slow it down for you
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
Baby tell me how
How you love me now
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
I hate when you say
How you love me now
Lights out
I found out
My falling star
The sun rises here
There's no more you and I
How can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
Baby tell me how
How you love me now
Tell me how can you sleep?
How can you breathe?
I hate when you say
How you love me now
How you love me now
How you love me now
WOOT!.. i hope they release Hurricane Street next.. its teh bomb song.. haha.. and pls come to Malaysia soon.. i need another concert.. =P.. and to those who say Hey Monday is like Paramore.. do me a favour.. go jump of a cliff or high rise building..
peace foo...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
PM5 or PMS?

well its a concept car and its somewhere in UK, thats wat i read.. and well mostly its juz looks.. nothing works.. not the fake plastic headlights the tailights.. i dont even think there is an engine in there..
dont get me wrong.. it is a good looking car.. obviously if u ever saw a Lotus Europa u'll see resemblance.. well they use the same chasis.. and maybe a lil influence by Aston Martin? the shape and the back.. hmmmm...
estimated price in Msia if they ever put into production wud cost ard 100k+.. hmmmmmmmmm raised ur eyebrows? now u might think it wud be a good bargain.. ahha.. since its a proton.. things might not work so well.. wat wud they put? the v6 engine from perdana? 1.8 from the putra? rofl.. sure hell no they gonna put a 2.5 cc car.. yea.. to them its not practical.. gonna lose sales and ends up stopping production..
lol elctronics wont last more than 1 week (its proton!)... next thing u know start button wont work.. one light is out of order.. BIG ASS "Lotus Engineering" on the back but has massive understeering and oversteering.. blardy ripp off... 0-100 gonna take 15 seconds? LOL.. well.. we'll see.. i doubt they will upt this into production. any1 can make a concept car.. hell even puvi can.. and proton gonna launch the exora.. yeah another suck.. =P..