On thursday after class, me and puvee went to see rims for me car.. oh yeah.. i found these..

all the rims here are 15 inches and cost around 900 - 1000.. yeah.. ITS DAMN CHEAP!!! lulz.. well i think its cheap cuz its 15 inch and its already quite old stock.. so watever la.. too bad these are the ones only can fit me evo3.. =P.. wat i originally had in mind was a black rim with a blue stripe surrounding the rims.. like the last picture.. but i dont like that design cuz the stripe is too out.. the design i want is like the fifth picture, black colour and the blue stripe inside the rim like the 1st and 2nd pic. XD!! i saw that rim but too bad someone already bought it.. !!!ASS!!!.. well puvee recommends that i take the gold one (3rd pic) cuz gold will somehow suit my car and it has a blue stripe where i want it.. the problem is.. i am gonna put racing stripe at the end of the year.. like the viper onee.. 2 white stripe over the middle of the car.. so i dont think gold will suit it.. so if that is the plan.. most prob the 2nd pic rim is most suitable for me.. hmmmmmmmmm.... i dooonoooo laa.aa.a.a..a... aih i cant decide.. help me!!!
Do ju know wats tiring? lolz.. went to kl today.. me ban puvee and jc.. besides we 3 keep banging JC and his gay act, we went looking around low yat cuz ban wants to buy his new peesee.. gg.. cost up to 3k lol.. damn high end pc.. went at 3.30 and came back at 8.30.. pshhhhh... well we went to dine at Kim Gary for lunch and suprisingly Ban payed for all of us.. haha.. well not buch ard 30 cuz only i ate.. puvi and jc shared the parking ticket which was 9 bucks.. lulz.. stupid la dman expensive.. well i provided teh transport and petrol.. XD.. besides ban surveying for his pc, i was checking out the steering wheel price for muh ps3.. average pricing ard 350-450.. damn expensive..
Then we went checking out gundams... got like 4 shops.. 1 in low yat and 3 in times square.. fark la.. damn tempting to buy.... PSHHH!!! ban bought the LAST Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom.. and too bad i was looking for the Devil Gundam and its gone!... T.T.. bahhh..
Was checking emails.. and i got one from amanda.. i didnt open.. imagine how long the mail was tehre when it contains pics of CNY.. LULZ! and here is my 2 favourite pics.. all the cousinz is here!! best time la..
Adrian : OMIGOSH LOOK!!!!
Lulz.. XD! awesome time we have.. hope next year it will be better.. XD
WOOHOOO!!! GG Vettel won 1st place last week.. this week 2nd.. GG!.. he IS GOD!!! Fabregas scored 2 for arsenal.. his second goal was MAGIC!!.. GG... and its time to go.. watch tv till 8.. chowwwww....
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