mmmmmmm yes.. the 1/100 NG Arios Gundam. I promised myself not to get No Grades kit anymore but this one is toooooo poisonous.. and i got like half price for it.. it was the ONLY one left and its priced at 145.95. Jusco has like 20% discount.. no matter how it is still more expensive than Famitoy, but then.. woot!.. i got rm40 cash voucher.. swoosh.. my mom didnt need it so i used it.. got it for 75. lol.. bargain like shytt.. ahahaha... well took 2 days to construct.. i was lazy and tired so did it slowly.. heres the result..
The nose of the plane can spilt to 2 into a pincer like thingy.. used to crush anythings into half.. lol.. previously Kyrios had this feature built into its shield..
In Gundam mode, lol.. looks awesome.. most i like about the kit is the head.. actually all Gundam heads are awesome, each have their own characteristics and unique design, Arios' is juz aweosme.. oh.. the colour is nice too.. but the pics dont to it justice cuz my noob 5800 camera sux.. the better colored ones is from my digital camera..
In a totally unrelated subject..
Yesterday i saw u.. ... is this how u torture me? while kissing ur bf u look at me?.. i almost died.. i was so heartbroken i woke up.. ==.. fark man.. sutpid dream.. @!()&*(%!#&#!@... made me feel wierd whole day.. cant even concentrate in lecture.. psshshshshs... i dont care! i am still coming over to see u..
and thats that.. moving on.. Gundam 00 ended.. as the saying goes, the old must go for the new to come.. IT IS INDEED WAT HAPPEND!! today is the start of a new season to FMA!! WOOT!.. FMA = Full Metal Alchemist.. another awesome anime.. its about magic and conjuring stuff.. lol.. dling it now at like 120kbs/sec.. awesome huh.. lol.. and i think i gonna stop here...
oh btw.. end of this week.. i gonna have a Top10 post.. u know about wat?
Damn right foos.. u might see ur name in it.. so stay tuned.. faarrrrk.. chow.. oh.. wanna see a pic of puvi dancing with his cousin's ex? HAHAHAHAHA.., next time hahaha... puvi's gonna be pissed..
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