You were my Billie Jean and you gave me Thiller, even when the world was Bad or in Black or White. You mirrored the Man in the Mirror and showed Dirty Diana how being a Smooth Criminal was and she knew that you Wanna Be Starting Something. Heal the World with your Earth Song and show the Human Nature how you Remember the Time when you Scream your lungs out. Dont Stop Till You Get Enought if you Wanna Be Starting Somthing because when i was a Stranger in Moscow, you showed that You Are Not Alone and with the Liberian Girl.. you Rock My World. Beat It.. Rest in Peace The King of Pop Michael Jackson..
WOOOHOOO!~ Nokia N97 is out!!!!~ its soooooo nice!~

PDA phone, standard it has WIFI and 3g like the 5800, records vid and playback wif mp4 format.. so the only thing between me and this phone is the price.. oh yeah.. well its a effing Nokia N series phone.. so u wud have thought it wud be ard 3k? nooo suprisingly nokia release this for the price at 2480!.. yes 500 or more less than the previous models.. so this wud actually be a farking bargain.. but u see.. i juz got my 5800 back in january.. i have to admit the 5800 is actually pretty rubbish.. the lag, the memory, the assemble of the phone, the material quality, the battery life, the camera.. well i can go on.. so.. wait la.. if the price hit 2200 GG!~ i am soooooo getting this n97.. all i can do now is wait.. lolz..
WEEEEE its teh holidays! almost a month of free flow fun!.. well actually it started today.. past 5 days was so dman boring.. JUZ after my fukking exam WoW went down!... FUKKEN HELL!~ how babi jinx is that? i mean seriously? farrrkkk la.. so yesterday i went and got my Sword Impulse Gundam well CUZ WOW WAS DOWN!.. and when i got home.. IT WAS UP!~ MADAFAKA!... anywhooooo.... lets not talk about that.. LETS TALK ABOUT TRANSFORMERS! oh yeah!...

Watched it twice.. i think its the best show i've watched so far this year.. it was more enjoyable than Fast and Furious 4.. definitely better than Wolverine.. makes Terminator look like spongebob.. LOL..z... 1st day went wif zach ban and my bro to 1U THX to watch.. omg the sound was so awesome it was shaking literally our seats..
Show started with OP(optimus prime) saying million yrs ago the original transformers came to earth built a machine to suck energy from the sun and then sun explodes bladabladabla.. well good to see that machine cuz it was used in the anime but not by teh fallen but my megatron and the decepticons.. but o well watever makes the story goes.. then they shift the scene to the part in HK.. LOLZ.. if u see clearly.. u can see the Malaysian Airlines logo on the screen.. same place with the one is MI3.. then a battle between 2 decepticons and the autobots.. there is when they introduced Skids and Mudflap aka Twins, the 3 superbike sisters - Arcee, Chromia and one more.. and also Sideswipe - the silver car?.. yes the Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Concept..
well wud have more fun seeing Sideswipe and Sideways aka Audi R8 in a car chasing scene and then fight out then seeing sideswipe teaking sideways apart.. lolz.. confused? dont be... omg i swear the part when they say "Big Buddha" i tot was like some awesome bomb or maybe a big ass autobot.. WTF! it was OP.. wahhaahha he roll out in truck form then transform then open parachute then on touchdown he trasnformed and go after Demolisher.. that BIG red thing wif 2 wheels.. then bla bla bla.. "The Fallen will rise again".. wooooooooooooooooo...
OMG.. well i wasnt a big fan of Megan Fox BUT WTH? who ever out there saying she is a guy and like debate over it.. GO SUCK A POLE!.. LITERALLY!.. wtf? is there somthing wrong wif u ppl?? sigh.. but her face sometimes look like tis made out of plastic and wax.. lolz.. but she is HOT!.. nonetheless.. loved it when they played Green Day's 21 guns in the background.. my fav song from their new album.. ok this is gonna be a damn long post if i go on wif the story.. so gonna cut it short..
if u need a reason to see this show then here's some.. the fighting scenes are FUCKING I MEAN SERIOUSLY EPIC!.. like the part when OP goes agains Megatron, Starscream and Blackout *i tot this nigga died*.. BIG BUDDHA literally kicked the shit out of all 3 of them until he got backstabbed by Megatron... then the part when Bumblebee kicked the shit out of the bulldozer and rampage.. woohoo.. the transformation animation is also fucking epic.. LOOK at the part when DEVASTATOR transform.. omg.. so kewl.. wahahahah... even he have BALLS... need more? ok how about John Turrturo aka Sgt Simmons? wahaha omg he is the best.. he is funny and awesome.. then the dialogue betwwen Sam and the 2 frat bros.. wahaha.. epicly dumb..
Jock : whose yellow camaro is this parked out on the lawn?
Sam : SORRY! its my friends! he went to get you a tighter shirt!
Fatboy : HE ALREADY HAVE THE TIGHTEST SHIRT!.. we checked.. *pounds the jock*
Jock : You want to get our shoe shoved up your ass?
Sam : What size ur wearing?
wahhahahahaha omg the comback lines are effing awesome.. then there is the twins.. the red and green jokers.. Skids and Mudflap.. Skids is the green and mudflap is the red i think.. lmao omg its like seeing a Viva and Kelisa running around wahahhaha i find them entertaining and hilarious.. dono why ppl calling them racist.. o well some ppl cant take entertainment.. on and on the movie was awesome and fun to watch.. the storyline o well leave it out.. i find it ok.. but ppl out there thinks its lame or dont make sense or watever.. but definitely better than the 1st one.. WOO!~ even watched second time wif yusuf, deva and puvi all of us watching second time except puvi.. lol..
Found this aweosme pic.. lolz..

Do you like korean girls? how about hot korean girls? how about 9 fukking hot korean girls?.. u like them 20? 18 good enough? how bout 9 hot korean girls aged 18-20? understandable? lolz.. zach linked me this vid.. song is kinda gay.. but the girls arent!.. so GEE~!~
HOT EH!?? lolz.. well there is more i wanna write but i'm lazyy.. lolz.. next post i will tell you how fucking stupid sometimes ppl can be.. especiall chinese ppl.. omg.. lolz.. seeya chow..
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