okay.. moving on.. today is the second most boring day of the week!.. omg.. study break atm then exams next week.. wtf la.. is bullshit.. tried to study for the past 2 days and wat happend? aih end up WoWing the whole day away.. pSH!~...~~..
WHHAHAHA another photoshop power pic.. look! its THE LAME RANGERS!! LOLOLOLOL!!

WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... dont juz naza's hot bady turn u on JC? lololol.. Seelan looks like he is the happiest one to be selected as the Greeeeeeeenn ranger.. Visha's... == well something went wrong but o well.. he's still smiling aint he?.. and now that i roughly know how i look if i have LONG hair.. LOL.. and the legendary face of Puvi-J *refer to btm post* is now used here! LOOL.. well he likes it..
Something happend last week. Somthing that we all would thought only maybe in December will happend. But. BUT! IT HAPPEND LAST WEEK! PUVI THE UNDRUNKABLE IS DOWN! yes ppl.. he who claims "i can never get drunk" was down.. and yes.. its snowing in hell.. LOLOLOLOL.. how it happend? i tell u..
on Friday last week, Puvi called us to go to his cousin's house at KJ for her bday party it seems.. so he say go there eat and sure got drink.. our (me deva seelan visha puvi) plan was to drink there and then go bali and drink again!.. then his aunt gave us a bottle of famouse grouse.. *yes visha its not a turkey..* well took us 1 hour to finish the whole bottle.. well in between puvi and seelan went to buy ice so actually we took 30 minutes..
See the bottle deva's holding.. gonna finish adi.. we were drinking shots with the glass size there in the pic.. and loool.. EVERYone was drinking like a man there but the chick Visha there decided to drink vodka.. wahahahahahhaa... puvi claimes to also have drank a few cups of vodka.. so .. guess its the end of his night and the beginning of our night.. we then proceed to enter Helo Bali.. we were in for like a 15 minutes.. puvi start taking trips to the toiilet.. each time he comes out, he gets sloppier.. LMAO.. the alcohol kick in adi!.. i then send him home then later went back to meet up with deva they all at the mamak..
Then is was Visha's end.. lol!.. we sat there for three hours looking at him "digging his own grave" loll.. it all started by him asying he was "cheap and paria".. LOOL... we and out new found friends Ivy, Siver and Ivan, bang the gay out of him.. lmao.. everytime he say or does somthing, he ended up eating back the words.. wahahahah... awesome night.. we all left at 6am "cuz when the sun comes up, visha's hair will grow long and his boobs will start to show and he have to work at mentari along with someone.." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... o well i think i miss out some but o well.. thats pretty much wat happend.. XD
There was an accident in front of monash last thrusday.. sad case.. lol.. A myvi hit a kelisa.. see the pics 1st la..I loled.. why la u drive a myvi.. if u didnt u wudnt have ended up in this situation.. LOLOL.. the kelisa was hit and the front left side and only thing is the side panel and bumper out.. LOOK AT THE MYVI LA... GG... I LOL AT JU!... i cant explain in words how the accident happend.. so if u see me u ask me la.. i tell u.. lol.. i didnt witness it.. Eddy did.. he came in the class and was like "juz now outside there got accident.. i walk in then got one damn loud bang." lulz.. in theeee enddddd... Kelisa>Myvi
Still strving on without you.. well i wrote this.. well kinda wrote.. i got some reference from another song.. =)This girl that who sat a few place away from me,
She had the nicest smile I've ever seen.
Back then, she came along and swept me off me feet,
But now her face is just a memory.
Now she went away from me,
It feels like she's slipping away from me.
Now that she's getting further I'm in misery,
Could she ever come back to me?
Now that three years have gone,
And I'm stuck here and she's moved on,
and some how I'm still holding on to her!
Cos we are so far apart,
there's not much that we got,
and right now im losing the plot, along with her.
I still got so many unsaid things that I wanna say,
And I just can't wait another day,
I wish she knew.
I still wait up wondering if she will remember me,
But there's no way for me to know.
And I want her to know, before she's married and has her baby.....
That I need her.
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