WAHAHHAHAHA champions league finals.. apa macam? awww.. MU lost? QQ.. all lanci talk cock wan mahai.. aih.. see wat happend? u all lost.. sing wat glory glory lan ciao la.. b4 game start also go around taunting and say other team sux.. in the end? aih..
Lmao MU fans lose adi become sore loser? be like the players? ass clowns like ronaldo hard tackle when losing? another 2 also did but i didnt bother remembering who..
Ppl in Nigeria.. u know wat happend?
Nigerian bus driver kills four Barca supporters
"A Manchester United fan in Nigeria killed four people when he drove his minibus into a crowd of Barcelona supporters after his team lost the Champions League final. A police spokeswoman said 10 people were injured and the driver was arrested. "The driver had passed the crowd then made a U-turn and ran into them," she said." -sauce
OMG DAMN SAD LIFE!! haih see noob fans..
At aussie.. after lose adi.. they started throwing bottles.. dono wat bottles.. but sad .. haihhhh... - sauce by naza..
How is it fun if i dont abt malaysians.. thats right the ones which for lil reason also wanna kill.. I was watching the game at asia cafe with Eddy, Deva, Puvi, JC, Seelan and Tan.. lmao damn pack and 1 hour b4 the game started all the MU fans started la.. singing wat lan ciao glory.. god had to shut them up by pouring rain down.. then it started..
the game was going into 10 minutes and OHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO!~~~~~ ETO SCOREDD!!~~ barca fans at AC GOES WILDDDDD!~~~ MU fans started whining di.. for far u can hear "KAI LA, LUCKY LA" nooooooo.... none said their defense was poor.. but nooo.. only know how to say "OMGWTFBBQKAISHITZ".. they started hoping for a comeback.. GO BACK LA COMEBACK... haih.. MU was literally getting owned by Barca.. then at 70 minutes, its decided, MU is to go home and cry.. the moment Messi scored WOOHOOOO we were all cheering.. u see la all the MU fans emo adi.. wahhhahaha..
all emo adi.. wanna kill ppl.. wanna fight.. fuyoo stare cock.. the group of noob chinese apek MU shits all turn and look when i told puvi MU can go suck balls.. wahhahahaa... awww ronaldo cry when he lose adi.. CRY UR MAMA LA.. noob like fark.. tiu.. player of the year dont cry after playing like shyt nor drive off after getting subed out.. sad sad sad..
Haih.. i got 2 words for the another team..
suck cock la.. glory lanciao somemore.. glory hole got la.. if u come and tell me this pic is fake/photoshopped/edited/not-their-current-away-jersey/not-that-nights-game.. I KNOW! BUT I LIKE THE PICTAR! its so bloody awesome.. ok moving on.. whoteva... kkthxbye..
Does ju know who he is? Damn right.. he is my childhood hero ALI G!~~ hhaahhaha jk.. but seriously.. this dude is farking funny.. portrayed by actor Sacha Baron Cohen.. knew about this guy in the 2002 movie Ali G: INDAHOUSE.. awesome movie lol..
Then goes the hip hop clothes and this one came along.. == BORAT!... i dono wat to say but this shit is crazy!... lmao... well that was SO 2006.. lol and now we have???~
BRUNO!!.. lmao have ju read the title of the movie? well it was a mock-up but who cares.. Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt .... LOL.!
best part was during the mtv movie awards.. Sacha Baron Cohen appeared as "Bruno" to present the award for Best Male Performer. Dressed as a winged angel wearing a jockstrap and white go-go boots, he was suspended on wires and "flew" over the audience towards the stage. However, before he made it to the stage, he "fell" and landed on rapper Eminem, with his head in Eminem's lap and his anus in front of Eminem's face. Eminem reacted in an angry manner, clearly shouting "You serious?" and "Get this motherfucker off me!" with the live censors unable completely block the profanity in his outburst until they completely cut off the audio. As a result of the stunt, Eminem stormed out of the show and didn't return.
lmao.. i saw it and it was farking funny... ala.. if this was reall sure "bruno" wud have been shot by the nikkas beside eminem.. sure staged.. lol.. damn accurate fall right on his lap.. damn farny.. ______________________________________________________
So movies coming soon.. Transformers 2, G.I. Joe..
this is the new trailer from 2009 mtv movie awards.. awesome sneak peek.. here's another one.. from Chevrolet to promote their cars.. blardy got 5 chevrolets... ==
Then there is G.I. Joe.. i like the ending where they dodge missles.. like in transformers 1.. ironhide dodge brawl's missiles..
and finally.. the long awaited.. Toy Story 3.. still have to wait.. coming in 2010.. wahhaha..
hahaha.. u know there is iron man then hulk.. soon will have Captain America then Thor? all assembling for avengers.. ahaha.. i saw on a website the requirements for playing Thor.. omg damn farny...
"Male MUST BE MID-LATE 20'S and SIX FEET OR TALLER. LEAD. Physically powerful, very handsome, occasionally egotistical, petulant, and wild. A natural warrior with a quick charming wit who must be genuinely and severely humbled before becoming the compassionate, mature her of our film."
HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaa... wtffff... i was thinking along the lines of Triple HHH.. long gold hair and a hammer? well-built? hahahaha...
yaya there are more like Harry Potter, New Moon, bla bla bla bla bla.. when they coming out i talk abt them k? lol.. okla.. this is one super long post so i shall stop here.. woot! see ya..!!
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