Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Earth What?

So earth day was like a few weeks ago right? I stumbled upon this.. "10 Things NOT to do on Earth Day" ahahahha... the list is fun and like a check list.. lets see which did i NOT do.. the list is like this..

1) Don’t drive like a teenager, speeding up and slowing down and weaving in and out of traffic. Such aggressive driving can lower fuel efficiency by 33%. Accelerate gently and stay with the traffic to save gas and money. -DID IT! This is damn stupid.. who say following traffic will save u gas? some idiot might break for no bloody reason, that will cause u to break then accelerate again.. see waste gas.. besides i am a tennager.. that is wat i do.. best.. lol

2) Don’t use cleansers and personal care products that contain triclosan or other antibacterial agents. Public health officials worry that antibacterials (in cleansers, window cleaners, and soaps are causing us to become resistant to antibiotics. Use simple soap (like Dr. Bronner’s castile soap) and hot water for cleaning, and body soaps and lotions that do not say “antibacterial” or “fights germs” on the label. - What the fuck? Dr. Boner? ahahah.. fuck it i used the actibacterial spray on my cat's sandbox.. DID IT!

3) Don’t go shopping without a list! According to the U,S. Department of Agriculture, people waste about 30% of their household food budgets buying groceries that eventually expire and have to be thrown out. Know what you want to buy before you hit the store aisles - you’ll buy less, buy more of what you’re likely to use, and reduce the impact your shopping has on the planet. Then put your list on your refrigerator so you don’t forget what’s inside - DID IT! bought 3 packets of snacks and WILL not eat it.. lolololl..

4) Don’t leave the lights on when you leave the room. You could save as much as $100 a year in electricity costs by turning off a 100-watt lightbulb when you’re not using the light. - DID IT! My electric is special so i turned on every light fan aircond, tv and even the exhaust fan.. lolX..

5) Don’t leave the computer on if you’re going to be gone longer than two hours. Don’t leave the monitor on if you’re going to be gone longer than 20 minutes. If you plug your electronics into an energy-saving power strip, you can reduce the energy they use by as much as 40%. - 20 minutes? hell my pc's been on for the past 2 month non stop.. DID IT!

6) Don’t leave the water running when you brush your teeth. Turning off the tap when you brush your teeth can save up to 8 gallons of water a day, 240 gallons a month, saving hundreds of dollars on your water bill each year. - even phreaking shaved with the tap on.. LOL.. DID IT! jc.. dont think otherwise..

7) Don’t buy “snack packs” that come wrapped in cardboard and plastic. Small individual packages use more energy and resources to manufacture and transfer, and are often twice as expensive as the same product sold in a larger bag or box. - cardbord and plastic? wtf? this aint 1945.. anyways bought marshmellows wrapped in plastics.. ahahah.. DID IT!

8) Don’t use so much shampoo, soap, lotion, make-up, gel and perfume. More than 25% of all women and one of every hundred men use at least fifteen products daily, according to a survey of 2300 men and women, exposing people to hundreds of chemicals during the course of a day. Can you reduce the number of products you use by at least three? - used shampoo, soap, lotion, make-up(if u count lip gloss..LOL), gel and perfume!... DID IT!

9) Don’t buy anything new. Remember the 3 R’s of eco-friendly living? They begin with “reduce” (the other two are “re-use” and “recycle”). If you need to shop, start with EBay.com, Freecycle.org, the neighbor’s yard sale, or the community vintage or thrift store. - reduce? re-use? recycle? ... nawwww... i drove more, used new shaving blades, burnt papers.. LOL.. DID IT!

10) Don’t sit at your computer all day. Get outdoors for at least an hour to remember why Mother Nature is worth protecting. Besides, if you’ve done all the other don’ts on this list, you deserve to take a break! - this is the best bit.. its like the punchline of the whole list.. lmao.. i did get outdoors.. almost 3 hours.. at the MAMAK! if i remember correctly i SAT at my comp all day when i got nothing to do.. and went out at night.. so DID IT!

Hmmmm looks like the chances of me changing to N97 is lowered.. news is the processor of the phone is a small difference to the one in Tube.. so watever the n97 can do.. the tube can.. well almost.. so.. bahhh... i still like the phone though.. i might reconsider.. =P

Aih... yesterday watch a lame game.. shud have stayed at home and cured my fever.. but noooooooooooo juz had to go ac and watch the nab game.. Arsenal sucked so badly i LOLed at them.. sohai 11 minutes already concede.. aih.. dun care la.. we shud now support Barca!!

5 months more! i MAY get a new car.. weeeeeeeeeee...... woosh woosh woshh... hope the price of it is good then i can get it.. WOOOHOOO!

ahaha ppl.. still feel disgusted over the lotus seed boob pic? ahahahah i know i get goosebumps thinking of it.. but if u guys are interested in the "sicknees" google "Lotus Seed Sickness" woosh.. i swear u will have a thrill of ur life.. loloololol...

I AM SO FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! u know that vest i wanted to buy.. the MCR one.. omg i was buying it online today.. so.. i filled it every details.. chose the size.. and then geuss wat.. "Sorry we do not ship to Malaysia" OMGGG!!! WTFF!!! U no good dumb fuck shit ass run by no use dogs who eat shits and dumb ass half assed covered by sea piece of stupid dog shit mutha puchacha pig eating monkey hugging no use cunt-ry.. fark eh.. boycott la.. boycott somomre.. mahai now all of us cant get anything from the US... blardy hell.. ..............ARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

i'm not feeling so hot right now.. so seeya.. bb

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