Monday, November 7, 2011

Origin - 1

Its Sunday.. nothing much to say so i'll post this.. :D

The beginning.. the start of everything.. Genesis... thats right.. this post is about the start.. the start to GUNDAM!.. without this guy and his Gundam, there wont be any Wing, X, G, SEED, 00, nor AGE universe.. 

This is Amuro Ray, if u follow my blog, u may remember this dude who piloted the Hi-Nu Gundam.. yes before he used the Hi-Nu.. he used the


This is the Bandai MG RX-78-2 Gundam ver 2.0.. it is a new updated mechanics and engineered kit. With many vast improvement over the previous 1.0 and 1.5 kit..

The design may be a little old, but the enginering of the model kit is modern and fantasticcc! The manual is using the new UC design which i dont really like.. i prefer the old and normal design.. :)

Like the Impulse Gundam.. no wait.. the Impulse actually copied this concept.. the RX-78 Gundam uses the core fighter concept..
The core fighter is used as the connector between the waist unit and the chest..
Feet are pretty cool because it breaks into 3 areas.. the heel, middle of the foot and the "toes".. another MG kit with similar design is the Exia from 00 series..
The arms are showhow different.. well actually only the hands.. thats cuz it has individual moving fingers.. :D
The Gundam may be old, but it packs alot of HEATT!~ Weaponry consists of 2 beam saber, a beam rifle with optional rocket launcher, a hyper bazooka, a beam javelin, a huge ass shield.. and my personal favourite.. the GUNDAM HAMMMEERR!!~~.. lolz
The iconic Gundam head.. no yellow V-fin.. like the Exia..

Kit completed..
Now some action posesss.. :D
Well.. thats long enough for today.. i will post the rest tomorowww.. Some how i love this kit... its solid!

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